Course name: Science Course code: (SNC2D)

Grade: 10
Type: Academic
Language of Study: English
Prerequisites: SNC1W
Course description: Discover the basic concepts of biology, chemistry, earth and space science, physics, and the interrelationships between science, technology, society, and the environment. Develop scientific investigation skills. Preview Course
Interested in taking this course?
  • If you are a student already enrolled in an Ontario High School, please contact your school about taking courses with TVO ILC.
  • If your goal is to earn a high school diploma or if you are a homeschool student, an academic assessment of your application must be done before choosing courses, please visit Apply Now to start your application.
Prix normal
CAD $500.00
Prix réduit
Prix unitaire
Admin Fee

Course fees are partially subsidized for most Ontario residents. The administrative fee covers the cost for us to process your application.
Grade: 10
Type: Academic
Language of Study: English
Prerequisites: SNC1W
Course description: Discover the basic concepts of biology, chemistry, earth and space science, physics, and the interrelationships between science, technology, society, and the environment. Develop scientific investigation skills. Preview Course

Course fees are partially subsidized for most Ontario residents. The administrative fee covers the cost for us to process your application.

Interested in taking this course?
  • If you are a student already enrolled in an Ontario High School, please contact your school about taking courses with TVO ILC.
  • If your goal is to earn a high school diploma or if you are a homeschool student, an academic assessment of your application must be done before choosing courses, please visit Apply Now to start your application.

Course Overview

This course enables you to enhance your understanding of concepts in biology, chemistry, earth and space science, and physics, and of the interrelationships between science, technology, society, and the environment. You are also given opportunities to further develop your scientific investigation skills. You will plan and conduct investigations and develop your understanding of scientific theories related to the connections between cells and systems in animals and plants; chemical reactions, with a particular focus on acid-base reactions; forces that affect climate and climate change; and the interaction of light and matter. You will conduct an online frog dissection using the virtual dissection tool. You will also observe red blood cells in the virtual microscope.

Course Preview

Course Syllabus

1.1   Exploring Climate and Heat Energy Transfer

1.2   Exploring Earth’s climate system

1.3   Understanding the greenhouse effect

1.4   Understanding the causes and consequences of climate change

1.5   Investigating the Earth’s future climate

2.1   Exploring a world of chemistry

2.2   Investigating the chemical process

2.3   Categorizing chemical reactions

2.4   Finding acids and bases everywhere

2.5   Finding chemicals every day

3.1   Understanding the importance of cells

3.2   Examining cell division

3.3   Exploring cell specialization and function

3.4   Exploring the organ systems

3.5   Understanding how organ systems work together

4.1   Discovering light properties and sources

4.2   Looking in mirrors

4.3   Bending light with refraction

4.4   Forming images with lenses

4.5   Using optics in everyday life

4.6   Culminating Activity

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